# SQLite

SQLite communication is provided by better-sqlite3.

This provider requires building better-sqlite3 from source, so you'll need to make sure your system is ready for that.

# Pre-Requisites

On Windows, two things are required to install better-sqlite3. Python 2 or 3, and the Visual Studio C++ Build Tools. They are required for any module that is built on the system, which includes sqlite.

To install the necessary prerequisites on Windows, the easiest is to simply run the following commands, under an administrative command prompt or powershell:

npm i -g --add-python-to-path --vs2015 --production windows-build-tools

npm i -g node-gyp

It's very important that this be run in the administrative prompt, and not a regular one.

Once the windows-build-tools are installed (this might take quite some time, depending on your internet connection), close all open command prompts, powershell windows, and editors with a built-in console/prompt. Otherwise, the next command will not work.

On Linux, the pre-requisites are much simpler in a way. A lot of modern systems (such as Ubuntu, since 16.04) already come with python pre-installed. For some other systems, you might have to fiddle with it to either get python installed, or working. Google will be your friend.

Check if it's installed by running python --version which should return the appropriate 2.x or 3.x version.

As for the C++ build tools, that's installed using the simple command: sudo apt-get install build-essential for most debian-based systems. For others, look towards your package manager and specifically "GCC build tools". Your mileage may vary but hey, you're using Linux, you should know this stuff.

# Installation

In your project folder, assuming the above pre-requisites are followed, you should be able to just install using this command:

npm i @joshdb/sqlite
** OR **
yarn add @joshdb/sqlite

# Usage

Using the sqlite provider goes as such:

const Josh = require("@joshdb/core");
const provider = require("@joshdb/sqlite");

const myDb = new Josh({
  name: 'test',

db.defer.then( () => {
  console.log(`Connected, there are ${db.count} rows in the database.`);